Not just a co-operative, YOUR CO-OPERATIVE.

Farm supply stores and fuel cardlocks are pretty common around these parts. And, from the outside, they may all seem pretty much the same. But when you look closer there’s a lot more than meets the eye.
Sure, there may be a lot of similar products on the shelf or at the pump, but when it comes to what drives the business that’s where you’ll see a difference.
What matters to our members, matters to us. that principle applies to everything we do. We place the livelihoods of our members, our customers, and our communities at the forefront. From rodeos to winter festivals, we actively help to enrich the communities we serve. And, we bring benefits to our members through the pluses of membership, like patronage.

One of the biggest benefits of being a UFA Member is patronage. In fact, this spring our members benefited from $28 million in patronage and our largest ever cash payout. With us, the rewards are greater because we’re one co-operative spanning three provinces, unlike other smaller co-operatives that only serve a small area.

There’s also everyday benefits to membership, such as insurance savings with the Co-operators, automotive discounts, airport parking savings, and Financing programs available exclusively to you as a UFA Members.
Even among co-operatives, UFA is unique. Our governing structure, by having elected UFA Delegates, gives members a voice in how your co-operative operates. The member-elected delegates represent your interests as a member at meetings throughout the year making sure that your voice is heard.
If you’re sitting there reading this and you’re a long-time UFA customer that hasn’t bought a membership, or you’re new to UFA, joining is simple. You don’t need a big ranch or farm; membership is open to anybody. Simply visit to join online and start enjoying the pluses of membership and have a say in your co-operative today.
Want to learn more about the important role of UFA Delegates?
Interested in becoming a delegate?